



Born in a small village near Brighton, Corin, aged 29, likes to think that she’s a soulful, thoughtful sort of creature. She lives in London now. A writer by hobby and career choice (if you so wish to include advertising under that rather wide umbrella). A day dreamer. The worst kind actually. Corin is so often away with the fairies that she’s the most clumsy, scatty kind of person. She drives her partner (whose name also happens to be called Mr Partner) crazy, in all the best ways, she hopes.

Corin is the most open, honest type in her writing. She can’t help it. She often overshares, but always with the best intentions. Her work is inspired by the idea of helping others overcome their insecurities, their life challenges, their fears, their traumas. While she types away in determination of also overcoming her own. We all have them, you know.

Life lessons is the theme of this blog. Corin is the type to offer advice after discovering something useful on her own journey of discovery. She’s always been wary of blogs that only portray “living your best life”. Eurgh. She wants to remind people that it’s ok for things to go wrong, that it’s human to have ups and downs, that it’s wonderful to experience a broad range of emotions. She speaks openly about the darker times in life. She’s been through a fair old bit throughout her rather turbulent twenties: seen her parents get divorced, travelled for 6 months, had mental health issues, lost people she loves very suddenly, been through a particularly difficult breakup (aren’t they all) BUT (get this) she is happy. She is successful. She has wonderful friends and family. She earns a good salary doing a job she loves. She owns her own flat in London. Life. Is. Good. Not perfect, but good.

She writes to remind people that even the darkest days fade to light, once you learn to embrace the unknown and open your heart to change. She hopes that she might be able to help you in some small way, too.

4 Replies to “Soul”

    1. Hello Rosie! Wow – that’s so kind of you. Thank you so much. I would love to accept. Great questions, I’ll write up my replies and get nominating very soon. Lovely to have discovered your blog too. Thanks again and speak to you soon. x

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